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5 Great Books for Story Time

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Storytime with your children is a great way to enjoy quality time together. Through a great selection of books, you can watch your child learn and grow while having fun. We have 5 great books to share with you today that will not only be a fun time for your kids, but will also help them learn more about their faith.

My ABC of God Loves Me

My ABC of God Loves Me by Thomas Nelson is a fun alphabet book that teaches kids about the many different ways that God loves them. Each letter represents a characteristic of God, which will help them to understand the extent of God’s love for them. The beautiful illustrations and the fun rhyming text will sure to give your little one an enjoyable time while learning more about God.

Pups of Spirit

Pups of Spirit by Zondervan is a great book for dog lovers. Each page of the book illustrates important traits including Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Patience, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control. Whimsical rhyming text and beautiful illustrations follows the pups on their journey to demonstrate the different traits that are important for young readers to understand.

Small Gifts in God's Hands

Small Gifts in God's Hands by Max Lucado illustrates one of the most important stories in the Bible: the feeding of the multitudes. This book makes it easy for children to follow the journey in a young boy’s perspective. Through this story they will learn that no gift is too small for Jesus.

The Marvelous Mustard Seed

The Marvelous Mustard Seed by Amy Jill Levine tells an easy to follow story that is based on Jesus’ parable of the Mustard Seed. This story shows that one tiny seed holds a world of potential. Through this book, children will understand and grasp that they are just like the mustard seed and they are full of so much potential.

A Royal Mission

A Royal Mission by Luisa Rodriguez helps young girls learn about their God given purpose. By following the journey of a young princess, her story will teach you about making decisions based on God. With beautiful illustrations and a strong plotline, this book will sure to help your child learn about their identity and their faith.

We hope you enjoy our 5 book recommendations to enhance your Storytime. If you have recently read any of these books let us know what you think!